Internet Model Racing Association

The IMRA is an organization, established in 1986, and re-established in 1999, consisting of people interested in racing their model horses. Members hold races whenever convenient and for many different breeds. Flat and trotting races are held, and sometimes endurances or steeplechases. Usually, unless otherwise stated, races are for any breed of horse. We realize that this is not the way it is in the "real world," but we wanted to allow anyone to race, even if they had no "racing breed" models. Most of the races have no entry fees, but now and again a member will ask for one to cover prize costs, club expenses, etc. When planning a race, it is necessary to specify the distance, the kind of race (steeplechase, endurance, flat, harness, etc) and the kind of surface on which the race is run (usually turf or dirt.) It is also necessary to state the level of the race or if it is an open race. Race grades are currently Maiden (no wins), Level A (horses having 1-3 wins), Level B (4-6 wins), Level C (7-9 wins), Level D (10-12 wins), Level E (13-15 wins), Level F (16-20 wins), and Level G (21+ wins). If a race is listed as a specific level, only horses of that level may run in it. Races are held by putting each horse's name on a slip of paper and drawing it out of a container. A horse gets one slip no matter what, and then as many more slips as it has wins. This takes some of the chance out of our racing methods. Some members use other methods (dice, board games, computers, etc) but we ask that they keep it as fair as possible. Places to third are awarded in most races. When entering a race, you need only send the information about the horse. No 3x5 cards are needed, only an e-mail listing the horse(s) information. It is okay to list all of the horses in the same e-mail. Some raceholders ask for more information, but the horse's name, current number of wins, race(s) entered, and owner are essentials. Many races are held each month, your horses will gain experience quickly! Another type of race is a handicap. For this race, the raceholder simply puts in one slip of paper for each horse, no matter how many wins they have. As in a real handicap, this gives each horse an equal chance to win, in spite of previous experience. The types of races we have mentioned above are by no means the only types allowed in the association. If you have a new idea, feel free to write to the president. We are always looking for new ways to make the IMRA better and have lots of fun. Almost all IMRA races have "purses." These are simply imaginary sums of money awarded to the winners of a race. Usually purses are split to third place with the winner getting the larger share, ie: 65%, 25%, 10%. Of course, each horse's race records must be recorded. It is necessary for each owner to keep a detailed report of each horse's record on their own. This really helps us at the end of the year when submitting points, and lets you keep sending accurate information with your horse's entries. Whatever method you use to keep track of your records is fine, you will need to have the number of starts, wins, seconds, thirds, and the amount of purse winnings on each horse racing. After a member holds a race meet, he/she MUST send the full set of results to either

Julie Ehlers,
Kate Hickman, or to
the IMRA mailing list

which will then be published on the IMRA website. The IMRA gives YEAs and CAs whenever a horse earns the required number of points. The point system is as follows: 1 point for each Start, 1 point for each sequence of $10,000 in winnings, 16 points for each 1st place, 8 points for each 2nd place, and 4 points for each 3rd place. Categories for YEAs include Mare/Filly, Stallion/Colt, Gelding, stable/owner of the year, Appaloosa, TWH/ASB, Morgan/Morab, Paint, QH, STD/Harness horse, Arabian, Draft, Mustang/Barb, Pony, WB, TB and other pure/part. These can be divided down as needed. CA categories are Honors (150 points), High Honors (250 points), Valedictory (350 points), and Hall of Fame (500 points.) CAs are career and are awarded at the end of each year, to whatever point level the horse has achieved. The Club news is published here on the website. Here you can find a listing of

upcoming races and results,
IMRA rules,
and a member list.

Right now there are no dues to join the IMRA. Later we might talk about a low member's dues to purchase YEAs.
We welcome your letters and comments. Thanks so much for being interested.

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