What are people saying about SMC's repaints?

All of these comments were taken from e-mails I've received. I have asked everyone before posting their name and you may click on their name if you'd like to e-mail them and ask about my work.

"I love buying your work" "You did a phenominally lovely job, as always." "You give such wonderful life to these models" ~Anne Staszalek

"I love your stuff! Great prices and great work!"
~Amanda Fiabane

"I love the Sham you did for me!"

"I have been nothing but pleased with your services"
~Ronni Parker

"I LOVE the Fjord! I still haven't gotten over how cute she is."
~Beth Sloke

"Lovely work, Kate! Thanks!"
~Julie Ehlers

"He's beautiful! Love the dappleing! and the shade of bay! and well, everything about him!"
~Donna Anderson

More questions? E-mail me at Strawberry Meadows.

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